Welcome to Copperbane!

This isn't your usual tale. This is the story of a world called 'Rim-err' and humanity's second chance. Beginning with the story of the first explorers, the series will progress throughout the centuries, telling the stories of major events - and the people who are part of them. Along the way, humans will have to learn to take care of their world, or suffer annihilation - if they don't kill themselves first! Beyond the simple story of the humans are the tales of its native species, with their interactions with the humans - not all of which are friendly. As one country, Escavia, succeeds in its mandate of protecting the future, its enemy fascist Chartan only wants to remake a glorious but destructive Gaian past. But these events are comparitively small, compared to the real problems Rimer faces....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ashes of Hope is OUT! Buy it Now!

Here's a simplified low down on how to buy the paperback book.

1. Lulu $23.19 US + $6.99 shipping = $30.19
I get $7 Royalty

2. Unsigned via me $15 US + $7 shipping + $1 paypal service fee = $23 US
I recommend this. If you live in Vancouver, Canada and you're willing to meet I can sell you a signed copy for this price, but ONLY if you are in Vancouver! You pay ALL shipping! Keep in mind Vancouverites - I might be moving soon.

3. Signed $23 US + shipping (which includes secure packing) to wherever you are.

CANADA - $12.28
US - $18.28
WORLDWIDE - $34.29
As much as I want to give out signed copies, I can't recommend this third option. It's just plain expensive. If you want a signed copy enter my contests - you can get a free one from there.

To buy books through me, simply send me a note or an email (planetrimer@gmail.com) to tell me that you want it. I WILL NOT SELL YOU A BOOK VIA COMMENTS. For obvious reasons you must supply me an address to ship the book to. I take paypal, cheque or money order. :)

I apologize for the service fee, but I can't handle even paying a dollar for you guys (that's my royalty!). I didn't know about the fee, but I do now. I hope everyone who buys the book enjoys it. :)

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