Welcome to Copperbane!

This isn't your usual tale. This is the story of a world called 'Rim-err' and humanity's second chance. Beginning with the story of the first explorers, the series will progress throughout the centuries, telling the stories of major events - and the people who are part of them. Along the way, humans will have to learn to take care of their world, or suffer annihilation - if they don't kill themselves first! Beyond the simple story of the humans are the tales of its native species, with their interactions with the humans - not all of which are friendly. As one country, Escavia, succeeds in its mandate of protecting the future, its enemy fascist Chartan only wants to remake a glorious but destructive Gaian past. But these events are comparitively small, compared to the real problems Rimer faces....

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Ashes of Hope - Finally Sent in for Publication!

Mark this day, for hopefully it's one that history was made in the life of Rosanna P. Brost - March 11th 2010, 9:40 pm. Today AOH was at long last submitted to Virtualbookworm Publishing and now the game's in their ball park. Cross your fingers loyalists!

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